The University of Florida’s Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation invites applications for the part-time, temporary position of...
Students as teachers as students
Graduate students often serve as teaching assistants while working on their degrees, and some programs even make teaching a requirement....

Back to basics
​ A viagem começa...não ainda. The journey begins...not yet. Due to some logistical difficulties, my research trip to Brazil has been...

A viagem começa
In less than a month (assuming my visa comes through), I will be heading to Brazil for the next 4-5 months as a USAID Research and...

Pesquisa no Brasil
As I work on writing up my M.S. thesis this summer, I also will be continuing to practice my Brazilian Portuguese! I have recently...

Spreading the eco-word
As the semester winds down, myself and 11 other graduate students in a science communication seminar led by Dr. Ellen Damschen are...

Crunching the numbers
This semester, undergraduate researchers turned into lab assistants to assist me in the last bit of data collection! As of February, I...